
A token to empower yPredict ecosystem of next generation trading tools & marketplace.

YPRED is a Polygon Matic chain-based token with powerful utilities and staking opportunities in a staking pool of never liquidity as each new platform subscription adds to this pool, Keeping APY% consistent and lucrative.

Token Details

Name: yPredict Token

Symbol: YPRED

Chain: Polygon

Supply: 100 Million

Decimal: 18

Contract: 0xdFaF2680239d678d9551669727b93b62Ad0D18Cc

Polygon Scan: https://polygonscan.com/address/0xdFaF2680239d678d9551669727b93b62Ad0D18Cc

Video overview

Got 2 minutes? Check out a video overview of yPredict token:

Refer to our whitepaper for detailed yPredict token utilities. 🔽


Last updated